Other gasket products
We offer a variety of gasket types or materials for specific applications – plus our compact hand tool for cutting circular flange gaskets from compressed fibre jointings, rubber and cork-elastomer sheets.
Flange protectors

Combat corrosion and reduce maintenance costs
- Protect studs, gaskets and flange faces from environmental corrosion
- Easily fitted in minutes without splitting the flange
- Re-usable and cost effective
Gaskoid® Jointing

Economical and fuel resistant
- Economical cellulose-based material
- For oil/fuel pumps, carburettors, gear casings, etc.
- Seals well at low bolt loads
Hygienic clamps & gaskets

For pipe coupling systems
- In pharmaceutical, bioprocessing and food processing
- Gaskets in a wide variety of high performance elastomers
- Supplied to numerous national/international standards